The beginning of our trip with our very enthusiastic Assistants. We took a week long trip to visit the Elders in Huambo and Lubando. We had a great trip with wonderful Elders. They are having great success and witnessing many miracles.
We added webcams to the Branch computers so our Elders can better communicate with us.
This is how you get change when pay for something and they don't have the right get candy!!!
New supplies for the Huambo chapel.
Elder Dredge showing us his outdoor well. President & Elders having a serious map issue!! Where are the district boundaries?
Now the good part. These 7 men all received the Melchizedek Priesthood while we were there. What a great compliment to the Branch and the Elders working there. What a blessing it is for all involved. One of these men was also sustained as a counselor in the Branch Presidency and another one as Branch Secretary. Both after only two months of baptism. Miracles are coming forth.
At the top of Christo Rei with Elders in Lubango.
Then a visit to Tundavala...great day with great Elders.

Then back to Luanda to Zone conference going strong

Many more wonderful events that I don't have pictures for at this time. A total of 12 baptisms these last two weeks throughout the mission. Two mission papers have been submitted. Many other miracles in this tiny mission with this army of young men serving so diligently. We love them and are so very proud of each one of them. They show us great love and respect. They serve with honor and every parent should be proud of their son. Thank you Elders.