Another trip to Huambo and Menongue with our newest Assistants, Elder Garcia and Elder Nash.
What else do you do on a long drive?
School is in session.
Scenes along the way...
Lunch break!!
While we were eating lunch we met this dear lady with her two kids walking to the market to sell their goods. She told us "Did you know you were going to meet us today? God knew you were going to meet us!"
How true that is....we were grateful for this opportunity.
What a cheerful and humble lady.
Anyone want to buy a mattress for their bed?
Having Family Home Evening with the
Benito family in Menongue.
What a strong spirit they have in their home.
Elder Nash and Elder Garcia with the Benito Family.
Back in Huambo the Elders are working hard
bringing investigators to Church.
Elder Conde and Elder Armindo
Just a few cuties!!
Sticker fun!!
Looking out our Hotel window at all the beautiful blossoms!